Sunday, May 30, 2010


BRAT is the biz. For all you greedy hyena’s out there who feel it’s your god-given or money-privileged rite to spew out more than your fair share of carbon just so you can stroke your egos with a gas guzzling behemoth, Fa-Q! If kids ruled we’d mandate motorcycles only: those would be the rules ‘cos there’s just too many people farting around in vehicles these days, nowadays, all over the world. And who’d have imagined we’d be driving cars in the 21st Century that were 20 times less fuel efficient than a 747 with 1/100th of the passenger capacity?

But sadly, Complacency and Greed reign, not kids with conscience. If only all of us were green-hearted and concerned for our children we might be able to spare this emerald planet from inevitable suffocation. So meantime, for those with moto-humility, get a bike and know that on our deathbeds (possibly drowning in humanity’s emissions) that even if we couldn’t about-face the world’s addiction to oil at least we didn’t stand idly by, thumb in ass, resigned and complicit. We rode a motorcycle!

Brat aims to promote hyper-cool motorcycles for the imaginative eco-conscious human being. Indeed we are developing our own BRAT customs but meantime we’ll point you in the direction of those who already manufacture 2-wheeled 4-strokes that will wow you and your admirers.

Don’t use up more than your fair share of our planet.